Monitor Funny Colors After Streaming Netflix

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  • #1
I wasn't sure what category to put this in, so I found the one that seemed the most relevant.

*DISCLAIMER* I may go into very explicit detail when explaining... This is due to my frustration when finding a forum or thread that seems to be the same issue as mine, but I am not completely sure. I may switch between the words Monitor, Display, and Screen; they all mean the same thing, just different thought processes for each sentence. I would also like to mention that what I explain doesn't happen every time, just sometimes... weird.

When I am in Google Chrome (possibly other browsers as well, haven't tried) using Netflix, any time that Netflix asks me if I want to continue to the next episode of a series, or if I am just closing the tab, my monitor seems to lose connection to my PC and then reconnect. This happens when doing anything that involves switching from the webpage that the video is playing on. It is as if I was switching from VGA -for example, to HDMI. The screen goes black for a few seconds, then comes back with HDMI (I am currently using HDMI input for display) in the top left. Then everything goes back to normal as if nothing had ever happened. Today; something new happened, I left Netflix in a background tab while I was browsing other various things. My monitor suddenly did the same "crash" that I explained before. You know how Netflix will stop whatever was paused? It has a big play button in the middle of the screen with the back arrow in the top left. My guess is that it switched from being paused, to that screen, causing the "crash". I read somewhere that it had something to do with Microsoft Silverlight... I am not very educated on that subject, but I assume that it is similar to Adobe Flash, allowing you to play videos and such. This is all leading up to the question... What is causing Netflix to temporarily bring my monitor to a black screen of doom, only to simply recover and allow me to continue my daily browsing?

Nov 7, 2011
  • #2
doesn't sound like it netflix but your computer system.
can you list your full computer spec include make and model of the psu?
May 18, 2007
  • #3
I have a similar issue whenever anything plays a video on my PC. In my case, it appears to be caused by the GPU (HD5770) temporarily down-clocking to less than 200MHz when videos stop playing. It does that even with FurMark running - video decoding appears to override all clock settings.

Probably harmless but still very annoying.

  • #4
doesn't sound like it netflix but your computer system.
can you list your full computer spec include make and model of the psu?

I just built the PC a few weeks ago. I don't remember my old one having the issue.

My monitor is an ASUS VE228H.
The PC also has an optical drive, not shown in the part list. Along with basic peripherals.

The issue with Netflix is the only issue I have had with the monitor. My brother also has the same monitor and doesn't have any issues.

  • #5
Nobody has posted for a few days and I still haven't found a solution. Anyone that knows what is going on with Netflix, please respond.
Nov 7, 2011
  • #6
Nobody has posted for a few days and I still haven't found a solution. Anyone that knows what is going on with Netflix, please respond.

we ask for info, and you didn't response, what do you want if you don't help us help you?

  • #7
I did respond. Please check before you accuse. Refer to the post before my last.
Nov 7, 2011
  • #8
make sure the gpu is not down clocking when you close a video tab.
also try another broswer
Sep 15, 2014
  • #9
And dont use chrome it's the buggiest browser around. It's probably the built in flash. If Netflix uses it

Google should stick to search engines, not programs

  • #10
I tried some other browsers and had the same issue. How could I check GPU clock speed? Could I use HWMonitor?
  • #11
make sure the gpu is not down clocking when you close a video tab.
also try another broswer

I used HWMonitor to track maximum and minimum GPU clock speeds. The speeds didn't drop below the average when I closed the Netflix tab. Surprisingly, all day today, I went without seeing the issue a single time. I tried closing the Netflix tab and reopening it multiple times to see if I could cause the crash to happen, but it wouldn't. About 30 minutes ago I received a driver update from GeForce Experience software, since that update, my PC is suddenly doing it again. This confused me, as the driver update was game related; It was a "GeForce Game Ready Driver" update, to be exact. I do feel that it may be a problem with my GPU but I have no idea what it could be. I can run any game that I have tried throwing at it, including Black Ops 3. It may just be a driver related issue. I am currently using an EVGA GTX 950 SSC Edition.

  • #12
Ugh seriously? Same problem, switched to Edge from Chrome and no problemo. I don't like it in principle, but it does the trick!!!
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